One more Armenian falsification: whose ancestors are Yafes and Togarma- hay’s or Turk’s?


Due to the M.Khorenatsia who is considered the father of Armenian history, Homet, Ashkenaz, Rifat, Togarma and Hayks who are the grandchildren of Yafes who is the son of Noah are considered ancestors of Armenians (1.5-6). Armenian historians base to this information and tell that Noah prophet is Armenian as he was ancestor of half mythological, half historical people stayed above. But other historical sources inform other things and besides Hayk other people have no relationship with hays. For example, Albanian historian Musa Kagankatli who lived in VIII century gives valuable information in his “Albanian history” book about the generation of Yafes who was one of the sons of Noah and the territories under that generation. “After the brothers took an oath that they never will plunder each other, Noah appointed the territory from Midia to Qadrion ( in reality Qordiana, Kurdistan,- B.T.) in north, until the stream of Dejle river which separates Midia from Babil.” (2.14) As you see from this information, while the historian of VIII century speaks about the territories given to Yafes, he calles the name of Midia. Midia is the name of state which existed in Azerbaijan territory in VII-V centuries B.C. The author just showed the territory. He presents Yafes as the first khagan of Azerbaijan, and khagan of Albania in VII chapter named “the list of khagans in Albania beginning from Yafes and Aran until III Vachagan” and speaks about him as the leader. In II chapter of his book, while speaking about the generation of Yafes and the countries he leaded, Musa Kagankatli shows Azerbaijan in first place and places Atropathena and Albania in first two places, I mean the north and south of Azerbaijan. (2.17). Generally you can observe this in books of other Christian authors too. In this case the texts which were written by Yevseviy, the son of IV century historian Pamphila: “… These are the nations from generation of Noah’s third son Yafes. They are spread from Midia to Speria from ocean to Akvelon like this; midias, Albanians, qarqars, sarmats.., meots.., iskits., tavrias…, bastarans…There are countries they were spread; Midia, Albania, Meotia, Sarmatia, Taorvania, Iskits…” (3.100). We see the similar thoughts in Hippolite from Port. He also speaks about Yafes generation and tells about Midia and Albania while listing their territories. (3.96) Due to the great Azerbaijani historian and educationist Abbasqulu Aga Bakhikhanov, Yafes was the first ruler of Turks. He bases on the texts of “Tarixi-Qozide” by Hemdullah Mustovhi in XIII-XIV centuries and “Khulasetul-Ekhbar” by Khondemir in XV century and gave wide information about Yafes generation and informs that the name of first son of Yafes was Turk. (4.31). Besides the Christian historians who show Azerbaijan territory as the center of Yafes’s country, Muslim historians show “Eastern countries and Turkistan” as the center. In this case, the great historian of Azerbaijan in XIV century Fezlullah Reshideddin and his “Cami-et-Tevarix” masterpiece is no exception. (5.10).       All Jewish, Christian and Muslim sources are unanimous in thought that the source of Turks tied to the son of Noah, Yafes. In this case the words of Kashgarli Mahmud, who is considered the father of turkology are interesting: “Turks in reality are consisting of twenty parts. The ancestor of all of them is Noah’s son Yafes. (6.22) Though the information about the center of Yafes khaganate which is given by Christian and Muslim historians is different at first sight, we can tell that the first ones are right. In reality, the things which Muslim historians tell do not deny their ancestors. In this case, in Christian sources, also, in “Albanian history” book, the north of Azerbaijan is called Albania, also “Eastern country”. (2.17-19). Fezlullah Reshiddin also uses the word “Eastern countries” (5.10). If speak about the expression “Turkistan”, this expression surrounded Azerbaijan in some period and the great proof of this is “Kitabi Dede Gorgud”. In this masterpiece Qazan khan, also Bayandir khan is called the columns of Turkistan. Another Azerbaijan historian Abu Bekr el-Tehrani-El Isfahani alsp tells these thoughts in his “Kitabi Diyarbekriyye” book. (7.20). Each, the written sources and existed archeological monuments complete each other and give sigh that the living place of Yafes and  his father Noah is Azerbaijan territory. The main and irrefutable proof of this is that the grave of Noah is situated in Azerbaijan, in Nakhcivan. One of the respectable sources which show that Noah had ties with Nakchivan is historian from Rome Ptolemy who lived in I-II centuries. He noted that Noah lived in Nuksuan, Nakchivan and died there, also he was busy on pulling salt from ground. (7-190). It is interesting that the archeological researches made in salt cave in Nakhcivan which salt is pulled for long years, showed that the salt producing began thousand years ago, approximately since Noah period. This affirms the information given by Ptolemy. Also, as a result of last archeological researches made in Duzdag territory it is informed that, the territory is the first place where the salt was produced. Due to texts, during the period of Selcuqs, a vault was built on the grave of prophet and then many pilgrims visited that vault and wrote about this. I mean, there is no doubt that this man was not mythic person, he was real person but many myths were told about him then. (7.194). Musa Kagangatli notes in his “Albanian history” book that, Homer (Qamer) who was one of the son of Yafes, was the second ruler of Albania and homer//kimmer ( qamer) nation generated from him. “These are Yafess’ sons: Homet (Kimer)- hamirs (kimmers) are from his generation…” (2.14-15). Assyrian sources who call kimmers “gamira” tell about them Manna, I mean as inhabitants of Azerbaijan and tell the name of their ruler Tuqdammen (Tokhtamish). (8.327-219). Due to the thoughts spread in Russian and some European scientific literature, that nation was Iranian language nation (9.239-241). But irrefutable facts proof that this is wrong and kimmers were Turkish language nation. In this case the information given by the early middle Ages historian Procophia is peerless: “… After Saginq many hun tribes who were mostly in the country arranged in the territory from Meotiy bog to the place where Tanais River fell into bog. These nations were called kimmer in the past, now they are called utigur” (10.20; 13.96-97). As you see from the information given by Procophy, Hun turks, also Utigurs which is the branch of Huns were called kimmer in past. It means that, antique authors did not have doubts that the kimmers were Turkish. The legend about the source of utigur and kutrigurs, which were from Hun generation, also affirms these thoughts. Baheddin Ozgal presents that legend in the chapter about the legend about deer of European Huns in his “Turkish mythology” book: “Once Kimmer ruler had two sons named Kutrigur and Utigur. In one day, two sons went for hunting. While they were looking for hunt, they met female deer and began to persuade it. Deer run and children persuaded and at last they reached to the sea shore. They wanted to hunt deer but deer began to swim in the sea. Children also swam back of deer. When children put their legs on ground deer disappeared”. (11.575). The legend about the Hun Turks shows that the nation came from Anadoly to Eastern Europe and their generation was not kimmers, it appeared from Azerbaijan and Eastern Anadoly. We noted below that, due to the texts written by Musa Kagangatli, one of the sons of Yafes was Kimer and Kimmers are from his generation. (2.14-15). Author also noted that the ancestor of Kimmers Kimer was the second khagan afrer Yafes of Azerbaijan (Albania). On marble board which was found in 1933, in Ishtar temple in Ninnevia and belonged to Asshurbanipal (668-663 B.C.) Tugdamme who was the khagan of kimmers is presented as the ruler of “Saka country” or Saks. The publisher of the text R. Thompson explained the cuneiform sign which came after the expression of “saka” (sak) and wanted to base the thought that the text is about another saks. But then X.Tadmor claimed that this expression should be read as “Saka and Gutium” (Gutium country, Kuti’s country). Due to him, from the text it is known that the ruler of kimmers Tugdamme was ruler of saks which had ties with Manna due to Assyrian sources. (12.84). From the texts of Herodotus we know that the government of kimmers was collapsed by iskit tribes and they were obliged to pass Araz river and move to the south shores of Black Sea and then to the north shores. Due to the texts of the father of history, iskits were living in the Shore of Araz River. They passed the river and went to the country of kimmers and began to persuade them (13.24). Experts always spoke about the iskits as tribes who came to Azerbaijan. But archeological facts, also old texts show that the first motherland of iskits and iskit-saks was Azerbaijan and Asia. As we noted already, Armenian historians who base on the Moisey Khorenatsi show Ashkenaz who is from the generation of Noah as the ancestor of Armenians. But, while Musa Kagangaatli speaks about the sons and grandsons of Yafes, he speaks about Ashkenaz and tells that he is from the generation of sarmats.  “Tiras’s sons are these: Eshkinaz- is the ancestor of sarmats…” (2.15). Strabonis (63 B.C.- 23) who gave an important place to iskit and saks in his texts, divides iskits into two group: roxolans and sarmats and informed that sarmats were consist of tzar sarmats and kazig sarmats (13.51).  Joseph Flaviy (I century) also speaks about sarmats as the group of iskit tribe and uses “the group of iskits called sarmat” in the place where he speaks about their attack to Rome. (13.53. Due to Strabonis, a group of sarmats were called sarmat-kazigs, I mean, sarmat-kazaks. It is interesting that, one of the generations which played an important role in etnoghenezhis of kazak nation was sarmats. (19.116). Due to the thoughts of antique authors, sarmats were formed from the marriage of iskits and amazons and they were speaking in iskit language. Due to those authors, sarmats were habited in the east of Black Sea iskits and Don River. As a result of analyses of the same sources, their territory was in today’s Kalmikia, Heshterkhan, Stavropol and Rostov regions of today’s Russia. Some of the antique authors called sarmats as “savromat”. For example, though Herodotus wrote “savromat”. Skilak Karianidli who lived in IV century B.C. used “sarmat”. But Ovidiy Nazon used both of them. Pliny noted that Greeks call sarmats as “savromat”. (13.329-330). Due to the notes of Sicilian Diodor and Pliny, sarmats were made to move from Midia, from Southern Azerbaijan by iskits. That is why, some antique authors identified sarmats with Midians or madays. For example, Pliny and Yuliy Solin considered sarmats generation of midiyans. Pliny considered Turks as a branch of sarmats, Pomponiy Mela wrote that Turks and Sarmats are neighbors. Dionysus Pereget who is the author of II century B.C. identified sarmats with Huns. The fact is that, one of the generations of Khipchaq origin Kazaks are sarmats and they were popular among nation with the names “shermat” and “sarmat telau”. (14.329-330,334). This fact helps us to understand why the capital of old Athropatena is called Kazaka and why khipchaq element has special place in oguz origin Azerbaijan Turkish. It is interesting that, it is known, maday nations which are considered as the ancestors of sarmats by antique authors participated in kazaks etnogenez. In holy Bible, while it is spoken about Yafes sons, they say that one of them was Maday. In cuneiform texts written in IX-VIII centuries B.C. it is spoken about the maday nation which comes from the generation of Maday. But in cuneiform texts belong to VII-VI centuries B.C.  it is spoken about the Madayya state which that nation established in Azerbaijan. Old Greek authors, also Herodotus who lived in V century B.C. called that state Midia and mentioned the nation as Midiyans. Want to inform that, as other Turkish generations formed in Azerbaijan, we see the tracks of Madays in Turkistan then. Then, due to some reasons, this old Turkish generation left Azerbaijan and participated in etnogenez of Kazak Turks. One of the Turkish language generations which organized Kazak nation, were madays (25.118). One of the nations which lived in Azerbaijan and participated in etnogenez of Kazaks, Kirgizs, Uzbeks, also Karakalpaks is Albanians. ) 16.IV,326;19.66,82;17.16,list 2;18.41). Though the name of Albans from the generation of Yafes is noted in the sources belonged after Christianity period, they are remembered due to the events happened in IV century B.C. Want to remind that, Armenians who base on Moisey Khotenatsy call Togarma as an ancestor of Armenians too. But Musa Kagangatli calles the name of Togarma (Turk) in 4th line while he lists the names of representatives of rulers beginning from Yafes in VIII chapter named “the list of khagans in Albania beginning from Yafes and Aran until III Vachagan” in his “Albanian history” book: “Yafes, Homer (Kimer), Tiras, Togarma (Turk)… “(1.19). Armenians who try to lie that Albans are the branch of Armenians and want to master the cultural inheritance of Albanians, always try to use this fact and try to lie to the world society. But so pity that, as our scientists did not pay attention to very delicate moment, they always tried to keep silence. This moment is that, the Khazar Turks considered themselves and other Turkish generations from the generation of Togarma. It is interesting that the Khazar khagan Joseph, who adopted Jewish religion, noted in his letter to Byzantine imperator that, Caspians are from the generation of Khazar who was one of the sons of Togarma (Turk). He lists the names of Togarma sons like this: Uygur, Turis, Oguz, Bizal, Tirna, Khazaar, Yanur, Bulgar, Savir (19.7). This fact is absolutely enough to tell that the etnogenez of Khazars has relationship with Azerbaijan and Eastern Anadolu. But the problem is not only this, due to the texts of Teberi, Aran (Albania), Georgia, Vaspurakan (wide territory consist of Nakchivan and Diyarbekir), Sisecan (Sisakan// Zengezur) was in hands of Khazars until the death of Sasani ruler Qubad.., and Qebele was the center of Huns. “… That is why Azerbaijan was called Khazar lans with those provinces” (20.90). The same author noted that khazars also are from the generation of Turks Yafes. (19.7). In “Mecme-ul Tevarix” masterpiece which was written in XII century, in Persian language the same thoughts are repeated (22.98-105). In this case there is a question: how the son of Yafes, the fourth ruler of Albania Togarma can be the father of Armenians, also Khazar Turks, at the same time bulgars, savirs, oguzs, uygurs and other Turkish nations which are listed in the letter of Joseph, at the same time? Answering this question, we can also answer to Moisey Khorenatsi and falsifier Armenian “scientists” who based on him and make everything clear.The answer is this, in all old Greek sources; “Togarma” is concerned to Turks. (19.7). Literature 1. Хоренский Моисей. Армянская история. Перевод Н.О.Эмина. M.: 1893 2. Kalankaytuklu M. Albanian history.”Science”, B.,1993. 3. Алиев К. Античные источники по истории Азербайджана. “Элм”, Б.,1987. 4. Bakıxanov A. Gülüstani – İrəm, B., 1951. 5. Rəşidəddin. Oğuznamə. Decorator is İ.M.Osmanlı. B.: Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia, 2003, 108 s. 6. 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